NASA, akıllı toz ile beyinlere mi girecek. Akıllı toz nedir? Uzaydan gelen akıllı toz iddiası. Akıllı Toz
Akıllı toz yani mikroskobik robotlar uzaydan mı geldi? NASA’nın Uranüs ve neptün’de bulduğu element ne? Akıllı toz iddiası dünyanın saygın teknoloji dergilerinde yer bulmay başladı. Bu mikroskobik robot ordusu bizi endişelendirmeli: Yapabildikleri şey bu NASA Uranüs ve Neptün’de “bir şey” buldu: Bunlardan 5000’den fazla var Voyager 1 alışılmadık davranışlar sergilemeye başladı: 80’lerden beri böyle bir şey olmamıştı Okyanusun ortasında 1,2 milyon mil çapında bir delik oluştu: Bu, buna neden oluyor Genel olarak bakıldığında, endüstrileri değiştirecek bir dizi minik robot olan ‘akıllı toz’ sorusu var. Akıllı toz, bağımsız olarak çalışabilen ve bilgi toplayıp raporlayabilen bireysel sensörlerden veya parçacıklardan oluşuyor.
Privacy invasion is a serious risk: The unseen surveillance potential
Intelligent dust motes are tiny devices that may measure less than a cubic millimeter and are meant to sense their environment and send the collected information through the air. It is light, thermal, motion, and chemical sensitive, therefore suitable for many uses.
These robots work in complex networks and are always in touch with other control centers, providing or receiving real-time data. From tracking plants in farming right to health data in our bodies, Smart dust is a future technology that has the potential to change how we perceive the world.
Smart dust has a vast field of potential uses. In agriculture, for instance, these miniature gadgets can be used to check on the condition of the soil, diagnose disease, and manage water rationing.
In healthcare, for instance, motes implanted in the body could continuously monitor a patient’s vital signs, and doctors could monitor such patients remotely in real time. However, as promising as the hopes are, they put forward issues that are worth not to be disregarded.
Environmental threats and ethical concerns: Will imaginative dust damage nature?
This makes smart dust one of the most worrying technologies because it can harvest information surreptitiously. Because of their small size and capability to be cited in strategic locations without notice, these sensors can work without individuals’ consent or perception.
The motes are expected to communicate with a central server through wireless signals, without prior encryption to protect the privacy of individuals within the coverage area. If this information is not encrypted or protected by a weak security protocol, it might be vulnerable to malicious actors using the data for unauthorized purposes.
The potential for abuse is great. Consider motes being placed in public places to collect information about citizens’ interactions, where they go, what they say, and even what they do.
Said governments or corporations can conveniently utilize information to oversee or control people. The problem is in establishing whether the advantages of intelligent dust in data gathering outweigh the disadvantages of infringement of the privacy rights of individuals.
Military and defense use of smart dust: A powerful but dangerous tool
The large-scale use of intelligent dust motes presented some environmental concerns, as discussed below. They are as small as microplastics and can likely end up in the same ecosystems, damaging wildlife and contaminating resources.
While these motes are surrounded by protective materials, keeping them from breaking into other undesirable particles is problematic. It could also create new forms of environmental danger if smart dust is not properly deployed.
Thus, ethical issues are not only localized to pollution and many other issues. Society has yet to consent to using thousands of miniature robots in the social context, raising concerns about data ownership.
These sensors will likely impact many people, making it very difficult to obtain individual consent from each of them. Smart dust is a technology that has the potential for significant utility but also has the potential for misuse, which is why it must be monitored and controlled.